They call it ’blue gold.’ Around the world, demand for water is exploding. By 2050, at least one in four will live in a country suffering from water shortages - creating ideal conditions for a new market... Banks, investment funds and hedge funds are all rushing to invest billions of euros in anything related to water. A real monopoly of water has begun. The financialization of water is a battle taking place on many fronts: ideological, political, environmental, and of course, economic. The fate of nearly 10 billion inhabitants around the world depends on its outcome. Freshwater is limited is no longer a resource anymore, it has become a commodity. And it this commodity is limited that today many people are seeking after. Its natural distribution on earth is not equal in all nations and in many regions of the world it is considered as precious as gold. Water covers 70 per cent of our planet, and it is easy to think that it will always be plentiful. But, freshwater-the one we drink...